Offer protection, education and support to children and adolescents in poverty, by performing actions that improve their quality of life and promote their integral development, ensuring the defense of their rights, always in a high grade of commitment, kindness and efficacy.
In 2020 we will be an excellent Integral Familiar Center that will give high quality services, forming people with autonomy and responsibility; always working to continuous improvement of the life of our children, adolescents and people who are part of our community.
To cover the basic needs of the children we shelter, without neglecting their family relationship.
To ensure the hospitality provided to children will cover their basic requirements of food, physical and mental health, education, clothing and protection.
To achieve the integral development of child and adolescent, in the physical, psychological, socio-educational, emotional and intellectual areas.
To provide timely and complete psychological attention to children who require it.
To ensure their emotional, intellectual and social education according to their cognitive development level.
To promote the active and constant participation of parents in the process of formation that the Foundation carries out with the children and adolescents, stimulating the strengthening of the parental bonds and their social development.
To promote the empowerment of parents in order for them to become actors of the development of their own family.
To encourage the creation of a family environment where relationships of affection and respect are stimulated and a formation in values that promote the self-construction of a life project is provided.
To sensitize the community through advocacy and preventive actions to achieve a better understanding and commitment to the population at risk.